ko sahaayata kiya example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
These initiatives have helped to build a homogeneous and focused team in Tata Steel, increasing motivation and binding to the vision of the company and spurred employees to deliver targets on a participatory management basis leading to ownership of processes.
She took him on trips, bought him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting materials, and other equipment and helped him in many other ways.
It indicates how far they have helped in improving the performance.
Most of them are helped by their family members and, hence, do not need to hire workers.Transliterated examples :
1. At the end of his life, he helped found with his friends in 1582, the Academy of Crusca 2. In 1963, with young intellectuals like Nanni Balestrini and Alberto Arbasino, he helped found the Group 63 3. In the nineteenth century, the same ethnic Albanians, Albanians of Albania and Sarakatsans, Ali Mohamed helped to Alexandria one of the great ports of the Mediterranean 4. Intermediate bodies, including, foremost, parliaments, a set of traditions and prejudices even helped to prevent collapse of the subjects by the sovereign 5. Only potters accounts The Graufesenque (known in 1922) helped clear progress in the knowledge of Gallic because Gallic graffites had parallel in LatinGiven are the examples of hindi word ko sahaayata kiya usage in english sentences. The examples of ko sahaayata kiya are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., helped.
This chapter provides case histories how some consumers were exploited in a real life situation and how legal institutions helped consumers in getting compensated and in upholding their rights as consumers.
These initiatives have helped to build a homogeneous and focused team in Tata Steel, increasing motivation and binding to the vision of the company and spurred employees to deliver targets on a participatory management basis leading to ownership of processes.
She took him on trips, bought him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting materials, and other equipment and helped him in many other ways.
It indicates how far they have helped in improving the performance.
These roads have improved accessibility in areas of difficult terrain and have helped in the economic development of these area.
However, the Agarias helped in the discovery of a source of iron ore that would later supply the Bhilai Steel Plant.
By the beginning of the nineteenth century, men like Thomas Arnold, headmaster of the famous Rugby School and founder of the modern public school system, saw team sport like cricket and rugby not just as outdoor play, but as an organised way of teaching English boys the discipline, the importance of hierarchy, the skills, the codes of honour and the leadership qualities that helped them build and run the British empire.
Cricket helped to confirm this self-image of the English elite by glorifying the amateur ideal, where cricket was played not for victory or profit, but for its own sake, in the spirit of fair play.
The book, published in 1857, became popular and helped spread the ideas of what came to be called muscular Christianity that believed that healthy citizens had to be moulded through Christian ideals and sports.
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